MOU Signed Between Share MoreMore and AdsPilot

09 November 2023

ShareMoreMore, founded by innovative leader Jeffson Chong, has achieved historic cooperation agreements with AdsPilot, FinPlus, and Pamame. This not only highlights ShareMoreMore's leadership position in the digital market but also symbolizes the vibrant growth in its business domain.

At this crucial moment, we emphasize the significant significance of the strategic cooperation with AdsPilot, FinPlus, and Pamame for ShareMoreMore. These collaborations not only demonstrate Jeffson Chong and his team's commitment to innovation and excellence but also open new chapters for ShareMoreMore's position and influence in the global market.

Through these collaborations, AdsPilot has saved up to one million Malaysian Ringgit in the development of the Market Place application, paving the way for new revenue streams for all partners. These achievements not only enhance our market competitiveness but also establish a solid foundation for future partnerships.

We invite you to download the ShareMoreMore App and personally experience the revolutionary services and solutions brought by this continuously innovative platform. Become a part of our journey of mutual growth!